
Mint 1, Get 1 : NFT & ERC-20

Max Supply


Amplify LP


LP Vault



payableAmount (ether)

for one token 0,05

- 1 +
0.05 ETH
Buy Now

Boosting Liquidity

Each new minted NFT in the MINT C404 by smart contract boosts liquidity for ERC-20 tokens, creating a direct link between NFT minting and Ether flowing into the LP, strengthening the project's economic foundation. Up to 70% of token sales contribute to the liquidity pool, ensuring stable liquidity for ERC-20 C404 tokens. In the end, the price per token ERC -20 on DEX may arise from 0.001 ETH to 2 ETH.

CA: 0x28987f895DC589bCA62a1B1C3ff30C45AC19ab36


We're mixin' ERC20 and ERC721 to cook up some next-level liquidity and slice up those semi-fungible ERC-404 Tokens for the ultimate NFT Cyber Girl revival!

Dive into our wild world C404 of NFTs and DeFi on the Ethereum blockchain.



Dive into the enigmatic world of 404 Cyber Girl, a cryptic entity reborn through the Pandora artifact and the groundbreaking ERC404 experiment on Ethereum.

Emerging from the realm of crypto-anarchy, Cyber Girl strives to enhance NFT liquidity by enabling trade through a pool of fungible assets.

Buy or Sell tokens instantly on DEX, no waiting for buyers forging new frontiers in DEX trading empowering Crypto community.


ERC-404 can do

Explore ERC-404's unique semi-fungible token standard through a comparative analysis, highlighting its unparalleled capabilities in contrast to other token standards.




Max Supply: 5555

Surge: Auto-liquidity

Mint: LP Up to 70%

LP Lockdown: Burned

Hodl Contract Terms


The idea behind ERC-404 is quite simple - to give the buyer two types of assets at once, thus allowing them to choose which market liquidity to use for trading.

  1. Swap C404 ERC-20 fungible token for instant liquidity on a DEX.
  2. Sell C404 NFT on the marketplace with its bids and auctions.

Arbitrage on C404 sets shockwaves, offering powerful advantages. When one market moves, the other follows, opening up epic profit opportunities for savvy traders on ERC-404.


Snag and Hold One Full C404 Token to Score early access to new releases, beta tests, and cutting-edge DeFi and EVM stuff.

The Roadmap

Join us in creating a wild spectacle of liquidity and fueling a trading frenzy with ERC404. Our roadmap promises to revolutionize your token launch and trading experience like never before.
Boosting Liquidity

In the initial phase, each newly minted NFT in the ERC404 framework boosts liquidity (LP) for ERC-20 tokens, strengthening the project's economic foundation. This period emphasizes increasing liquidity, user acquisition, and community development, ultimately enhancing trading experiences and token stability. This strategy lays the groundwork for a successful C404 DEX Trade launch and sustained growth.

DEX Listing

Our strategy maximizes liquidity with Mint, LP Up to 70%, LP Lockdown, and Hodl Contract. Tokens sold via MINT boost the AUTO-LIQUIDITY POWERED LP fund, lockdown forever. Once the LP establishes a solid foundation we activate openTrading() function to unlock trading on Uniswap. Trading's time-limited by default and extendable by LP size or Twitter vote.

Community Engagement

We engage our community through targeted promotions and dynamic campaigns, creating an active and vibrant ERC404 community. Stay tuned for exciting events and opportunities, including share drops.

Strategic Partnerships

We aim to expand the reach and influence of the ERC404 ecosystem by forging alliances with industry leaders. These partnerships drive innovation and open up new possibilities in the blockchain and crypto space.

Expanding Token Utility

We continuously explore new integration options to enhance the usefulness and value of ERC404 tokens. From improving DeFi functionalities to enabling new use cases through RWA, we are dedicated to maximizing the potential of ERC404 for our holders.


Unlocking New Frontiers

404 Cyber Girl's ERC-404 Token Standard Unleashes Native Liquidity and Fractionalization.

What is ERC404 Token?

ERC-404 is an innovative token standard merging ERC-20 and ERC-721, making both fungible and non-fungible tokens interchangeable. This increases liquidity as NFTs can be traded in smaller units like fungible tokens.

For instance, 1 ERC20 + NFT token equals 1 ERC-404 token. If an account balance is less than 1 ERC-404 token, it owns ERC-20 tokens. If it's equal to or greater than 1 ERC-404, it owns ERC-20 tokens and corresponding NFTs.

NFTs can be traded on platforms like Open Sea, while ERC-20 tokens can be traded on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, capturing liquidity from both markets.

Story 404 Cyber Girl

In the heart of the blockchain revolution beats the story of 404CyberGirl, a beacon of defiance against corporate hegemony and a beacon for decentralized leadership. From her origins as an elite scientist to her evolution into a fearless explorer, she embodies the spirit of a true crypto-anarchist and blockchain pioneer.

404CyberGirl's journey is one of enlightenment and rebellion, as she joins forces with underground scientists to master quantum technology and encryption. A trailblazer in the crypto realm, she forges a decentralized protocol and challenges financial norms, all while evading the grasp of corporate giants.

Her adventures are a blend of martial prowess, technological genius, and a thirst for ancient truths. Armed with cutting-edge weaponry and an AI sidekick, she travels the world, uncovering mysteries and confronting corporate tyranny head-on.

Beneath her warrior facade lies a complex soul, balancing strength with vulnerability, courage with empathy. Her saga is a testament to the power of individual choice in shaping the future of technology and society. Join her in the open code, where users reign supreme!

ERC404 CyberGirl Objectives

The aim of 404CyberGirl is to implement ERC-404's liquidity tokenomics:

  1. Boost Liquidity: Trade NFTs in fractional units for increased liquidity and accessibility.
  2. Simplify Integration: ERC-404 tokens seamlessly integrate with ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards, streamlining adoption.
  3. Expand Trading Options: Holders can trade ERC-404 tokens on NFT marketplaces and decentralized exchanges, capturing liquidity from both.
  4. Enhance User Experience: Simplified trading processes and increased divisibility improve user engagement and efficiency.
  5. Explore New Use Cases: Fractional NFT trading unlocks new applications, from collectibles to real-world assets.
  6. Foster Ecosystem Growth: ERC-404's innovation attracts developers and users, driving growth in the NFT and DeFi ecosystems.
Unique Features Comparison

404CyberGirl stands out from other NFT projects with its unique token compatibility. By merging ERC20 and ERC721 standards, it simplifies trading and enhances liquidity. This makes it an ideal choice for both investors and collectors seeking a seamless experience.

Accessing 404CyberGirl

To access 404CyberGirl, participate in the whitelist or purchase tokens during the presale. Stay tuned for announcements regarding token availability on decentralized exchanges (DEX) like Uniswap. Purchase NFTs on marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, Blur, and others. Join our Twitter community for updates and exclusive opportunities!

Token Holder Benefits

Token holders gain exclusive access to products, events, and early promotions. You also play a key role in shaping the project's community.

Project Risks Overview

As with any investment, there are risks associated with ERC404 Cyber Girl. Conduct thorough research and seek advice from financial experts before investing.

Technical Token Characteristics

The technical characteristics of 404CyberGirl tokens are groundbreaking. They are compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and support both ERC20 and ERC721 standards. This compatibility facilitates seamless integration and trading on a wide range of platforms.

What sets ERC404 tokens apart are two core innovations. Firstly, they offer native liquidity for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a feature that significantly enhances the user experience for NFT collectors and market participants. Secondly, ERC404 tokens enable fractionalization without the need for external protocols or "wrappers" that abstract NFTs from their original collections. This innovation introduces a new asset category known as semi-fungible tokens (SFTs).

We firmly believe that ERC404 represents a major leap forward in token standards. Its hybrid nature allows for the development of interactive mechanics and new on-chain protocols that combine the strengths of both ERC20 and ERC721 tokens. This opens up a wealth of possibilities across various industries, including gaming, generative art, real-world assets (RWAs), and more.

Our Team

John Yaris
Innovator, Cryptographer, Visionary
Aaron Eisenberg
Senior Developer
Technologist, Blockchain Expert, Solution-Oriented
Lunary Dynamo
Marketer, Strategist, Blockchain Enthusiast

Our team comprises industry leaders driven by innovation and expertise. From our visionary CEO to our dedicated developers and marketing strategists, we're committed to revolutionizing the world of NFTs and DeFi. Together, we're shaping the future of digital assets and empowering our community to thrive in the crypto space.

Our mission

We're on a mission to shake up the NFT game with our cutting-edge semi-fungible tokens (SFTs). We degen dev boys are here to amp up your asset game, supercharge liquidity, beef up security, and unlock a whole new world of DeFi goodies and digital art thrills for you, our awesome holders!

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